Black Snow. 36 x 36" acrylic on canvas. This painting strives to express the turmoil of snow flurries at night - a not unusual experience living and driving along the New Hampshire seacoast
Dustan Knight
PO Box 53 New Castle NH 03854
DustyKnight official
MA Art History Boston University, MA 1995
MFA Studio/Art History Pratt Institute
NY 1985
American Academy in Rome - Pratt
Institute (TA summer program)
UCLA - Arts Program - Summer 1978
Awards, Residencies and Grants
Appledore Island UNH Teacher in Residence 2023
Charitable Foundation - Runner Up 2023
Piscataqua Artist Advancement Grant
MacDowell Artist Colony Residency 1985
Cummington Artist Colony Residency 1985
NH State Council Percent for the Arts
Dover District Courthouse 2004
Manchester Community College 2013
Merrimack District Courthouse 2012
NH State Council on the Arts
Fellowship 1989
Ampersand - Virtual art information guide
AVA - Friday Morning Studio Visits - virtual 2022-
Art New England Review Aug/Sept 2005
Art Scope - reviews , full articles Dustan Knight
Boston Sunday Globe - March 5, 2000
HIPPO PRESS Jan 9, 2003 review
Images Magazine 1997
Manchester Mirror - review March 2006
**** Painting the Impressionistic Landscape by Dustan
Knight- 2017 Rockport Publishers Quarry Press
Portsmouth Herald Nov 24, 2005, April 2019, Feb 2002,
June 2002
Rye Magazine - cover, review, full article Dustan
Seacoast OnLine/Media group Currents -
Feature 2008
The Islander - Cover and feature- Dustan
Knight Local Artist
***Ten Piscataqua Painters Pub Phillip
Augustus &River Press- One of ten featured
artists selected 2022
York County Coast Star Aug 2014
Watercolor Magazine Featured artist
Summer 200Art New England reviews Aug/Sept 2005
Public Collections
City of Portsmouth - permanent Collection (Jap/Rus
Treaty exhibition)
Conneticut Hartford Hospital Conn
Coveris Inc
Elliot Hospital NH
** Macy’s (Ten or more tier 1 stores
throughout USA - including Flagship In .
NYC These commissions supported my art and family 1995
- 2015) .
New Hampshire Dover Courthouse
New Hampshire Department of Transportation
Oracle INC
Southern New Hampshire College - College Collection
Wild Apple Graphics
Winchester Hospital MA
York Hospital ME
Selected Exhibitions
Museums and Academic- Educational Galleries
Brick Store Museum, Kennebunk ME - Patsy Bauman Gallery - OAA Artists
Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn NY - Emerging Artists Showcase 1983
Currier Museum of Art, Manchester NH - NHAA Currier Exhibition
Childrens Museum of Portsmouth/Dover - Families First(award) NH
Daniel Webster College, Nashua NH Two Person Exhibition
Franklin Pierce Law School, Concord NH - Merrimack River Painters
Haas Gallery - Portsmouth Music and Art Center NH- Jazzscapes, Button
Kimball Jenkin Historical Museum Concord NH
Lamont Gallery - Phillips Exeter Academy , Exeter NH
Lyceum Gallery - Derryfield School, Manchester NH
Manchesters Institute of Arts and Science, NH - Faculty Exhibition
Marian Graves Mugar Gallery - Colby-Sawyer College, NH Two Person
McIninch Gallery - Southern New Hampshire University NH- Dustan
New Hampshire Historical Society Portsmouth NH, Atheneum
New Hampshire Institute of Art, Manchester NH - Faculty Exhibition
Rochester Museum of Art , NH - Dustan Knight 2022
Sharon Arts Center, Peterborough NH - New Hampshire Art Institute-
Southern New Hampshire University Gallery - 1992- Kimono Inspired
Exhibitions and Gallery Representation
2024 ( currently scheduled)
Aryaloka Temple - Searching for the Sacred
Art 3 - The Power of Art - Manchester NH
Barn Gallery. summer exhibition schedule
Cliff House - Waterfront Abstract four
Hearth Space - Portsmouth
Hotel Thaxter - Portsmouth Stories
PMAC - Annual Button Factory Exhibition
2023 -2020
Aguiar Gallery, Portsmouth NH
Art 3 - Manchester NH
Art House Gallery - Somerville Mass
AVA - Friday Live Studio - virtual studio program
Barn Gallery - Ogunquit Me
Chase Young Gallery - Boston Mass
Dover Arts Center - Dover NH
Hotel Thaxter - Appledore Artists- Fund Raiser for SML
Kennedy Gallery, Portsmouth -NH
Lamont Gallery - Phillips Exeter Academy NH
Levy Gallery NH Art Association, Portsmouth NH
PMAC - Button Factory Artists - NH
Portsmouth Athenaeum NH
Rochester Museum of Art
Van Ward Gallery, Ogunquit, ME
Art 3 - NH
Audubon Center- NH
Birches- NH
Ceres Bakery - Portsmouth NH
Chase Young Gallery- Boston Mass
Kimball Jenkins - NH
Levy Gallery NH Art Association
Ogunquit Art Association - ME
Town Hall New Castle NH
Art 3 Gallery representation
Atheneum - Portsmouth NH
Audubon Center - NH
Barn Gallery - Ogunquit Maine
Kimball Jenkins Historical Mansion and School - Concord NH
Millbrook Gallery
NHAA - Finding our Voices
Art 3- Gallery Representation
Alpers Fine Art Gallery - Summer Show
Kimball - Jenkins Historical Mansion and Art School -' Finding Our Voices'
MillBrook Gallery- 'Summer Exhibition'
New Fields Gallery - Invitational Summer
New Hampshire Art Association- Omer Lasconde Show 3rd prize
New Hampshire Art Association Great Island Artists
Ogunquit Art Association- 'Expressions'
York Art Association - Artist In Residence summer 2017
West Branch Gallery Vt- Summer Exhhibition
Art Three ‘A Sense of Place’
Audubon Center Gallery ‘Flight’
Mill Brook Gallery ‘Spring Celebration’
Discover Portsmouth Gallery ‘This is what Artists Look Like- Artist Portraits by Jay Goldsmith’
New Hampshire Art Association Omer T. Lassonde Exhibition
Qgunquit Art Association - “Expressions”
Twiggs Gallery “Branching Out’ w MRP”
2014 -2015
Art Three Gallery, Manchester NH all exhibition
Atheneum Portsmouth NH Christmas Shows
Audubon Center Gallery NH MRP group
Barn Gallery, Ogunquit Maine all group shows
Barn Gallery OAA Qgunquit Maine two person exhibition
Bowersock Gallery, Mass and Fla group and two person
Discover Portsmouth Gallery NH two person
Kimball Jenkins Mansion and Gallery, NH group and solo
100 Market Street Gallery, NH
Venetucci Gallery , Newport RI all group shows
York Art Association, Maine guest exhibitor
Art Three Manchester NH
Barn Gallery Ogunquit ME
Bowersock Gallery Provincetown MA
Merrimack River Painters - group exhibit
Mill Brook Gallery - Concord NH
New Hampshire Institute of Art Faculty Exhibition
One Hundred Market Street - Portsmouth NH
Sabeha Gallery solo show Portsmouth NH
Shore Gallery Ogunquit ME
Three Graces Portsmouth NH
"Favorites" Art 3 - Manchester NH
"Fresh Air" Art 3 - Manchester NH
"Petal/Metal" ArtStream Gallery - Rochester NH
"Miniatures" Blue Stocking Gallery - York Me
"Premier Exhibition" Bowersocks Gallery - Provincetown MA
"Families First Art Exhibition" (winner) Children's Museum Portsmouth NH
"EDGES" Derryfield School- Manchester NH
"Members Show" New Castle Gallery - New Castle NH
"Spring Prelude" RiverTree Center for the Arts - Kennebunkport Me
"Feature Artist" Sabeha Salon - Portsmouth NH
"Spring Florals" Three Graces Gallery - Portsmouth NH
"Three of a Kind" Three Graces Gallery - Portsmouth NH
2003 - 2008
Anderson- Soule Gallery *- Concord NH
Art 3 Gallery - Manchester NH
Clark House Gallery - Bangor Maine
"Dover District Courthouse" Percent for the for Arts - Dover NH
Franklin Pierce Law Center - Concord, NH
George Marshall Store Gallery- York Me
100 Market Street Gallery -Portsmouth NH
Ogunquit Barn Gallery- Ogunquit Me
Robert Lincoln Levy Gallery NHAA-Portsmouth NH
"Christmas Bizarre" Sanctuary Arts - Eliot Me
"Sanctuary Art Faculty Show" The Music Hall -Portsmouth NH
Southern New Hampshire University - Manchester, NH
Wentworth Coolidge Mansion Art Center - Portsmouth, NH
Art 3 - Manchester, NH
Author's Gallery* - Key West, FL
Barmouche - Phoenix, AZ
Brush & Palette - N. Hampton, NH
Club Passim - Cambridge, MA
Dooling Architect Inc. - Newton, MA
Franklin Pierce College Law Center - Concord, NH
George Marshall General Store Gallery - York, ME
Kumminz Taylor* Gallery - Portsmouth, NH
Leandros Gallery - Key West, FL
Mast Cove Gallery* - Kennebunkport, ME
MPG* - Newbury Street, Boston, MA
New England College - WCA-NH
New Hampshire Institute of Art - "Liquid Light" & "Biennial" & “Four Artists”
Ogunquit Art Collaborative - Ogunquit, ME
100 Market Street - Portsmouth, NH
Phillips Exeter Academy "Alumni Reunion Show " - NH
Proprietors Show - Portsmouth Atheneum, NH
River Tree Gallery - Kennebunk, ME
Sanctuary Arts - Eliot, ME
Shooting Star Gallery* - Ogunquit, ME
Tarbell's - Phoenix, AZ
Thoreau Art Gallery - Franklin Pierce College, NH
1998 -1999
Art 3 - Manchester, NH
Cafe Brioche (solo show) - Portsmouth, NH
Club Passim (Two Person Exhibition) - Harvard Square, MA
Daniel Webster College (Two Person Exhibition) - Nashua, NH
Hodecker Gallery (Two Person Exhibition) - Meredith, NH
Mast Cove Gallery - ME
MPG "Summer Exhibition" - Newbury Street, Boston, MA
NH Institute of Art "Biennial" (prize winner) - NH
Ogunquit Art Association - ME
Portsmouth Atheneum - NH
Shooting Star Gallery - ME
York Cliff House "Spring Tide 1999" - York, ME
Wentworth Coolidge Art Guild - Portsmouth, NH
Art East Galleries - NH
Brick Store Museum - Kennebunk, ME
Colby Sawyer College (Two Person Exhibition) - NH
NH Art Association
PS Gallery - Ogunquit, ME
Walt Kuhn Gallery - York, ME
AMMO - East Village, NYC
Brooklyn Museum "Emerging Artists 1983" - Brooklyn, NY
Kraine Klub New Artists - NYC
Lasser Gallery - NYC
Petronella Cafe - Portsmouth, NH
PS 122 "The Shifted Landscape" - NYC
Public Image Gallery - NYC
Water Tower Art Association - Louisville, KY
Women Studio Workshop "New Prints NE" - Binnewater, NY
Yaffa Cafe (Solo Show) - East Village, NYC
Copyright ©2023 - Dustan Knight